
  • Regading IP Address Search
    • Regarding IP Address Search
      End-user contacts, or member ISP contacts can be searched. Please see end-user contacts for Network Abuse or relevant information about IP address. If the end-user contact is not rechable, please refer to the ISP contact.
  • Special Note
    • Special Notice
      You can search for only fully registered domain names. Non-registered and register-processing domain names are resulted as not registered. KISA will prohibit excessive querys by blocking network access


조회      SEARCH box
search ex
search ex
dot Domain Name EX) kisa.or.kr dot Name Server EX) ns1.kisa.or.kr
dot AS Number EX) AS9700 dot IPv6 Address EX) 1001:02BB:00A2
dot IPv4 Address EX)
search ex mbi
search ex
dot Domain Name EX) kisa.or.kr
dot Name Server EX) ns1.kisa.or.kr
dot AS Number EX) AS9700
dot COM/NET/ORG Domain EX) domain.com
dot IPv4 Address EX)
dot IPv6 Address EX) 1001:02BB:00A2

Whois Service (KRNIC's Internet Directory) provides a way of finding e-mail addresses, postal addresses who have registered "objects" with the KRNIC. Using Whois, you can also determine whether the domain name you desire is already in use; you can learn who administers a particular site; and you can view a list of site's name servers. Whois involves an online database populated with information about networks, networking organizations, domains, sites, and the contacts associated with them. This database is known as the KRNIC database. The names of the administrative And technical contacts for registered domains are automatically entered into the database when domain or IP number applications are processed by the KRNIC.

Caution : KRNIC currently provides rwhois service not whois service. But, KRNIC uses port 43. Therefore, methods of using rwhois are the same as methods of using whois. How to Use Users can query a Whois server to access this information through a local Whois client or rwhois client, an interactive telnet session, e-mail, or the KRNIC's Web-based form

A. Performing Search using Command

1) Searching Domain/IP/Whois/Name of Organization using whois %whois -h whois.nic.or.kr ******* (Example; nic.or.kr,, Name or Name of Organization)
2)Searching Domain/IP/Whois/Name of Organization using rwhois %rwhois -h whois.nic.or.kr:43 ******* (Example; nic.or.kr,, Name or Name of Organization)

B. Performing Search through the Web(KRNIC WHOIS Gateway)

KRNIC WHOIS Gateway This is a searchable index. Enter search keywords: This is a gateway to "whois". Type a domain name or network address in search dialog. This is "KRNIC whois" Gateway which provides the information of Domain name and network managers registered in KRNIC.

How to Use
Type one of followings into the search dialog box. Domain Name
Network Address
Name of Network manager in English
Network Name
2. Then Press
3. Examples nic.or.kr